I awaken at most days at 5am. That would be 9:30pm... yesterday... for most of this blog's followers. And my first and only real obligation today is a class meeting (at Cuppa, a local coffee shop, with my three ever-faithful American students) at 2pm.
So to say I have time for reflection is an understatement. So, when a guy who likes to think he stays pretty busy gets to ponder the big stuff, what does he ponder?
Initially, I mentally (and now publicly) acknowledge the people who helped make this amazing misadventure possible.
Susan comes first to mind (and always will). 'Nuf said.
Next come (in order of birth) Rob, Liz and Kate... whose lives remind me daily of the importance of discovery in personal growth. All three of you inspire me.
Taking one step in the opposite generational direction are my parents. Never, not even for a nanosecond, have I ever doubted or been denied their love and support... which, considering my behavior in the 1970s, is pretty amazing. Would it be too much to ask that they both live and love me forever?
And of course, the team at McConnell Marketing deserves major recognition. These are the folks whose independence, trustworthiness and commitment make this (warning: cliché alert) life-changing experience possible. There needs to be a word for business associates who feel like family. "Biz-amily" perhaps.
One thing I really admire about India is its acceptance of all faiths. I get the sense that the culture collectively uses God, Buddha, Allah, and all the other names we bestow upon deity to identify a single higher power who graciously allows His (Her) people to address Him or Her as we please.
That said, I'd like to thank Him (Her) for calling me halfway around the world. Because for some unknown (to me, at least) reason... I've been able to hear His (Her) voice much more clearly from this location.
Now that's something to ponder.
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