Today at noon, I addressed a group of 600 students at Christ Junior College (a two-year, college prep program). Half the audience was second year students (who act as if they own the place). The other half just arrived on campus (and seemed overwhelmed by their new surroundings). My remarks (which follow, in italics) were intended for the newbies.
Rather than give a speech today, I thought I’d tell a story. My tale begins four weeks ago, when I arrived in India for the very first time. Feeling confident, I arrived at Bangalore International Airport… determined to conduct myself as a traveler; not as a tourist.
As a traveler, I opted for the 180-rupee bus, instead of the 1,000-rupee taxi. All was fine, until the bus dropped me off across the street from campus. Now folks back in the USA would think, “So what? You had to cross the street.” That’s because they’ve never had to cross a busy street in Bangalore… especially with six week’s worth of luggage in tow.
I hopped of the bus, and saw the sign… Christ University. I’d made it. I was fifty steps from the gate. Then I realized. Rickshaws zoomed from my right. Motorcycles from the left. Busses speeding both ways. Every vehicle changing lanes… honking horns… hell-bent on transforming the visiting professor into road kill.
I decided that there was no way I was crossing here. So I walked a few blocks in one direction, then a few more in the other. Not a traffic light in sight. Back where the bus had first dropped me off, I sat on my suitcase and observed. The locals were crossing with ease, despite the fact that all the vehicles were headed down what I still consider the wrong side of the street. I had two options… and the second one was to take a taxi to the airport and fly back home.
So I braced myself, took a deep breath, waited for the just right moment… and bolted as fast as these 54-year old legs would take me. And I made it.
Your thoughts are probably like those I mentioned earlier. “So what? You crossed the street.” But you’re also probably wondering why I’m sharing this as part of your CJC Inauguration Ceremony.
I share this story because I suspect many of you first year-students are feeling today what I felt four weeks ago. It’s part fear, part excitement, right? The only difference is that I stood on the curb… and you’re sitting in an auditorium.
Well, there is one other difference. I made it across the street alive, and you’re still sitting in an auditorium. So what did I find on the other side of that fear I was facing?
I found rewards, challenges, friends I’ll never forget… and, most of all, I discovered that I could accomplish and understand things I’d never even imagined.
So… four weeks later, knowing what I know now, I think to myself, “So what? You crossed the street.”
Welcome to Christ Junior College, and thank you.
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